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HTML Popups

abapGitAbout 3 minui

Disclaimer: this functionality is new and may change potentially.

Architecture comments

Kinds of popups:

  • "in-page" - a hovering form, blocking the regular content
  • "separate page" - a regular page, yet that does not allow any page transitions others that go back

Ideally, a visualization component should not know that it is a popup (being agnostic). It is its wrapper that should know and manage the aspects. For example: zcl_abapgit_gui_picklist - a component that renders a list to choose an item from. This very same component can be rendered as a part of the page, as an in-page popup, or as a separate page popup.

Separate-page popup

Calling a separate-page popup would be initiated in the event handler and thus would look like this:

  rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page.
  rs_handled-page  = zcl_abapgit_gui_page_hoc=>create(
    ii_child_component = mo_popup_picklist " Or another component
    iv_show_as_modal   = abap_true ).

Thus wrapping the popup component (e.g. mo_popup_picklist in this example) into the High Order page component. Passing iv_show_as_modal to zcl_abapgit_gui_page_hoc has the following effects on GUI:

  • only re_render, go_back, and no_more_act states are accepted from the modal event handler (thus guaranteeing that popup will not forward to any other page rather than its caller)
  • router is excluded from the event chain (thus also removing the main source of page redirections)

Calling a popup in-page

The example below focuses on the functionality of zcl_abapgit_gui_picklist, yet it can be any other properly designed component in a popup.

  • take into account that re-rendering in-page popup also re-renders the underlying page. If the caller page is potentially large, probably, an in-page popup is a sub-optimal choice.
  • the caller page should not interfere with the popup in terms of event and hotkey handling. Thus it must not register the handler if an in-page popup is visible.

Sample implementation can be found for example in zcl_abapgit_gui_page_sett_remo, it includes these treats:

  • mo_popup_picklist - an instance of a popup (one of - the page can show several, yet all of them are managed by zcl_abapgit_gui_picklist)
  • in the event handler: the code that auto-detects if the popup is an in-page or independent
  IF mo_popup_picklist IS BOUND. " Uniform popup state handling
    IF mo_popup_picklist->is_in_page( ) = abap_true.
      rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render.
      " in-page popup -> rerender the page together with the popup
      rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page.
      rs_handled-page  = zcl_abapgit_gui_page_hoc=>create(
        ii_child_component = mo_popup_picklist
        iv_show_as_modal   = abap_true ).
      " separate page popup -> switch to it
  • in render: if an "in-page" popup was initiated - skip own register_handlers (to avoid interference). Otherwise, add the popup to the render result.
    IF mo_popup_picklist IS NOT BOUND OR mo_popup_picklist->is_in_page( ) = abap_false.
      register_handlers( ).
    ELSEIF mo_popup_picklist->is_in_page( ) = abap_true.
      " Block usual page events if the popup is an in-page popup
      ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_in_page_modal=>create( mo_popup_picklist ) ).

Initiating the popup and retrieving the result

Problem: SAP does not allow modal HTML forms, thus initialization and retrieving the result happens asynchronously and independently. It is more the developer's responsibility to keep this code readable.

The current "state-of-art" approach suggests (though can potentially be improved): process initiation and result reading in the same method, the "mode" should be dictated by parameters (e.g. iv_is_return = abap_true)

e.g. let's consider the zcl_abapgit_gui_page_sett_remo->choose_branch:

  • initiation would end up with mo_popup_picklist = ... (create the component), thus marking the presence of the popup for the further code
  • the returning part iv_is_return = abap_true is checking if the popup was canceled by user mo_popup_picklist->was_cancelled( ) and retrieves the chosen entry mo_popup_picklist->get_result_item( ... )

Now, it is important to uniformly initiate the return flow. In zcl_abapgit_gui_page_sett_remo this is done by handle_picklist_state which is called at the very beginning of the render. The method checks if the popup claims that it was fulfilled (confirmed or canceled) and, if yes, calls the appropriate choose_* method based on mo_popup_picklist->id( ).

Finally, one more way to escape the popup is by pressing the F3 or ESC - which are handled by GUI, not by the popup component. As a result of this:

  1. popup does not know that it was canceled
  2. even further, the back will be applied to the caller page and not to the in-page popup!

The solution to that is the graceful back procedure. Before going back the GUI send an event go_back to the top-most component (which happens to be the popup). Thus the component has a chance to:

  • properly process the request to exit
  • send back the re_render or no_more_act states
    • the re_render will result in the re-rendering of the parent (caller) page, yet with the popup in canceled/fulfilled state
    • the no_more_act gives a possibility to cancel the go_back action (e.g. to prevent exiting the popup when data was not saved)