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Supported Object Types

abapGitAbout 4 minreference

TypeDescriptionSupportedABAP Language Version
ACIDCheckpoint GroupYesNo
AIFCObjects from AIF contentYesPlanned
AMSDLogical Database SchemaYesNo
AOBJArchiving Object#804open in new windowNo
APISAPI Release StateYesNo
AQBGABAP Query: User groupYesNo
AQQUABAP Query: QueryYesNo
AQSGABAP Query: Functional areaYesNo
AREABW: InfoAreaYesNo
ASFCField CatalogYesNo
ASISArchiving Information Structure#1579open in new windowNo
AUTHAuthorization Check FieldsYesPlanned
AVARActivation Variants for Assertions and BreakpointsYesNo
BDEFBehaviour DefinitionYesPlanned
BMFRApplication Component#2108open in new windowNo
BOBFBOPF: Business Object Model#165open in new windowNo
BGQCBackground Processing ContextYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
CHARObject characteristicYesNo
CHDOChange Document ObjectYesPlanned
CHKCATC Check CategoryYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
CHKOATC CheckYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
CHKVATC Check VariantYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
CLASClass (ABAP Objects)YesYes
CMODCustomer enhancement projectsYesNo
CMPTCode Composer TemplateYesNo
CUS0Customizing IMG ActivityYesNo
CUS1Customizing TransactionsYesNo
CUS2Customizing AttributesYesNo
DCLSABAP Data Control Language SourcesYesPlanned
DDLSData Definition Language SourceYesPlanned
DDLXCDS metadata extensionYesPlanned
DIALDialog ModuleYesNo
DOCTGeneral TextYesNo
DOCVDocumentation (Independent)YesNo
DRTYCDS TypeYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
DRULDependency RuleYesNo
DSYSChapter of a Book StructureYesNo
DTDCDynamic CacheYesPlanned
DTEBCDS Entity BufferYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
DTELData ElementYesPlanned
ECATeCATT Test ScriptYesNo
ECSDeCATT System Data ContainerYesNo
ECSPeCATT Start ProfileYesNo
ECTCeCATT Test ConfigurationYesNo
ECTDeCATT Test Data ContainerYesNo
ECVOeCATT Validation ObjectYesNo
EEECEvent Consumption ModelYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
ENHCComposite Enhancement ImplementationYesNo
ENHOEnhancement ImplementationYesPlanned
ENHSEnhancement SpotYesPlanned
ENQULock ObjectYesPlanned
ENSCComposite Enhancement SpotYesNo
EVTBEvent BindingYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
FDT0FDT/BRFplus: System ApplicationYesNo
FDT1FDT/BRFplus: Customizing Application#33open in new windowNo
FORMSAPscript formYesNo
FTGLFeature ToggleYesNo
FUGRFunction GroupYesYes
FUGSFunction Group with Customer Include: SAP Part#2851open in new windowUnknown
FUGXFunction Group with Customer Include: Customer Part#2851open in new windowUnknown
G4BASAP Gateway OData V4 Backend Service Group & AssignmentsYesPlanned
G4BSSAP Gateway OData V4 Backend ServiceYesPlanned
GSMPGeneric Simple Metric ProviderYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
IAMULanguage-Independent IAC Binary DataYesNo
IARPParameters of IAC Language ResourceYesNo
IASPParameters of an IAC serviceYesNo
IATULanguage-Independent IAC TemplatesYesNo
IAXUITS: XML Templates for HTML TemplatesYesNo
IDOCIDoc TypeYesNo
INTFInterface (ABAP objects)YesYes
IOBJBW: InfoObjectYesNo
IWMOGateway Business Suite Enablement - ModelYesPlanned
IWOMGateway: Model MetadataYesPlanned
IWPRGateway Business Suite Enablement - Service Builder ProjectYesPlanned
IWSGGateway: Service Groups MetadataYesPlanned
IWSVGateway Business Suite Enablement - ServiceYesPlanned
IWVBSAP Gateway Business Suite Enablement -Vocabulary AnnotationYesPlanned
JOBDTechnical Job DefinitionYesNo
LPDCLaunchpad short texts#107open in new windowNo
MSAGMessage ClassYesNo
NONTSAP Object Type NodeYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
NROBNumber Range ObjectsYesPlanned
NSPCNamespace in R/3 RepositoryYesNo
OA2POAuth2 ProfileYesNo
ODSOBW: DataStore ObjectYesNo
OTGRObject type groupYesNo
PARASPA/GPA ParametersYesNo
PDACStandard Rule#3914open in new windowNo
PDTGTask Group#3915open in new windowNo
PDTSStandard Taskpartial - #4164open in new windowNo
PDWSWorkflow templates#154open in new windowNo
PERSPersonalization objectYesNo
PINFPackage interfaceYesNo
PRAGPragma in ABAP Source CodeYesNo
RONTSAP Object TypeYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
SAJCApplication job catalog entry#1580open in new windowNo
SAJTApplication job template1581open in new windowNo
SAMCABAP Messaging ChannelsYesNo
SAPCABAP Push ChannelsYesNo
SCP1BC Set or Customizing ProfileYesNo
SCVIScreen VariantsYesNo
SFBFBusiness Function + AssignmentYesNo
SFBSBusiness Function Set + AssignmentYesNo
SFPFForm Object: FormYesNo
SFPIForm Object: InterfaceYesNo
SFSWSwitch + Assignment of Objects to the SwitchYesNo
SHI3General structure storage: Definition of a structureYesNo
SHI5Gen. hierarchy storage extension nameYesNo
SHI8SFW Switch Assignment in Hierarchy ToolYesNo
SHLPSearch HelpYesNo
SHMAShared Objects: Defined Area AttributesYesNo
SICFICF ServiceYesNo
SKTDKnowledge Transfer DocumentYesPlanned
SMBCBusiness Configuration Maintenance ObjectsYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
SMIMInfo Object from the MIME RepositoryYesPlanned
SMTGOM: Email TemplateYesNo
SOBJBusiness Object TypeYesNo
SOD1API PackageYesNo
SOD2API Package AssignmentYesNo
SOTSAll Concepts (OTR) of a Package - Long TextsYesNo
SPLOFormat TypesYesNo
SPPFPage FormatYesNo
SPRXProxy ObjectYesNo
SQSCDatabase Procedure ProxyYesNo
SRFCRFC ServiceYesNo
SRVBService BindingYesPlanned
SRVDService DefinitionYesPlanned
SSFOSAP Smart FormYesNo
SSSTSAP Smart StyleYesNo
STVITransaction VariantsYesNo
STYLSAPscript styleYesNo
SUCUAuthorization Groups (TBRG_AUTH)YesNo
SUSCAuthorization object classYesNo
SUSHAssignment: Service --> Authorization ObjectsYesPlanned
SUSOAuthorization objectYesPlanned
SXCIBusiness Add-Ins - ImplementationsYesNo
TOBJDefinition of a Maintenance and Transport ObjectYesPlanned
TTYPTable TypeYesPlanned
TYPEType GroupYesNo
UCSAUnified Connectivity Service AssemblyYesNo
UDMOData modelYesNo
UENOEntity typeYesNo
UIADLaunchpad App Descriptor ItemYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
UIPGFiori Launchpad Page TemplateYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
UISTFiori Launchpad Space TemplateYes, AFFopen in new windowYes
VCLSView clusterYesNo
W3HTWeb Reporting/Internet Transaction Server HTML TemplatesYesNo
W3MIWeb Reporting/Internet Transaction Server MIME Types(binaryYesNo
WAPABSP (Business Server Pages) ApplicationYesPlanned
WDCAWeb Dynpro Application ConfigurationYesNo
WDCCWeb Dynpro Component ConfigurationYesNo
WDYAWeb Dynpro ApplicationYesNo
WDYNWeb Dynpro ComponentYesNo
WEBIVirtual End PointYesNo
XINXExtension IndexYesPlanned
ZN**Neptune ArtifactVia Extensionopen in new windowN/A

If additional object types are required please add a comment to issueopen in new window

Customizing can be moved via SCP1 Business configuration, or alternatively, the data feature which can move table contents to and from git.

abapGit in SAP Business Technology Platform, ABAP Environment supports other object typesopen in new window