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Development Guidelines

abapGitAbout 2 minread-first

Object Types

abapGit is merged into a stand-alone version. For this reason, the only allowed object types for new repository objects are classes and interfaces. In particular, function groups or modules must not be included.

Exceptions for existing objects:

  • Transaction ZABAPGIT
  • Program ZABAPGIT and includes
  • Function group ZABAPGIT_PARALLEL for parallel serialization (only available in the developer version)
  • MIME objects ZABAPGIT_* for UI (CSS, JS, and fonts)



Object Prefixing

Classes and interfaces are prefixed using zcl_abapgit_ or zif_abapgit_ (zcx_abapgit_ for exception classes, lcl_ and ltcl_ for local and test classes).

Object Descriptions

The description of objects should begin with abapGit - ... (for example, abapGit - Repository Content List). For serializer classes, the text should contain the TADIR object type and description (for example, abapGit - INTF - Interface (ABAP Objects)).

Sub-object Descriptions

To document sub-objects like class methods and parameters, you should use ABAP Docopen in new window comments. You can see an example in zcx_abapgit_exceptionopen in new window.


Do not maintain texts for methods and parameters in SE24/SE80 and don't use <p class="shorttext synchronized"> in ADT. This will lead to errors when checking the class/interface XML file in GitHub.

Variable Prefixing

Variables are prefixed using the standard setting in abapOpenChecks Naming Conventionsopen in new window



abapGit is targeted for version 7.02open in new window and higher. Therefore, the code must only contain expressions and statements that work on 7.02.

abaplintopen in new window will automatically check every pull request for language syntax that is compatible with 7.02.

Standard Objects

The code must only reference standard SAP objects (classes, interfaces, DDIC types) that exist in version 7.02 and higher. Referencing objects that do not exist in 7.02 creates syntax errors and therefore requires using dynamic ABAP. DDIC types that do not exist in 7.02 should be replaced by local type definitions.

File Formats

General file format guidelines are specified in .editorconfigopen in new window. If you are using abapGit to push files to the repository, these guidelines are followed automatically.

If you are editing files outside of SAP GUI or ADT, for example on GitHub.comopen in new window or in VS Code, the most common issues are using cr instead of lf at end of line, missing new line at end of file, and missing BOM at beginning of XML files. Please ensure that your IDE is setup to follow the .editorconfig specifications to avoid any issues.

For more details, see editorconfig.orgopen in new window.


VS Code requires an extension for .editorconfig which you can find at marketplaceopen in new window.

Formatting the Source Code

Line Width

The maximum width of ABAP source code should be set at 120 characters per line and is checked during linting.

Pretty Printer

Use pretty-printer, keywords upper case + indentation, abapOpenChecksopen in new window can be used for checking this.


For the user interface, we are moving towards everything in HTML, i.e. new Dynpro screens or the use of Dynpro screens and popups should not be added to the source code.


Pull requests must pass all abaplint configured checks before they can be merged. You find the current rules in abaplint.jsonopen in new window.


You can view abaplint findings directly in abapGit using an extensionopen in new window.


JavaScript is checked using eslint. You can find the rules hereopen in new window. All JavaScript code has to adhere to ES5 (ECMAScript 2009open in new window) to be compatible with the IE-based HTML browser control used in older releases of SAP GUI.

Internationalization (I18N)

abapGit supports only the English language. Neither objects nor text literals are translated. Therefore, all objects shall be set to English as the original language, and text literals in the code shall be maintained in English.

Since there's only one language, using the ##NO_TEXT pragma is not required and will actually lead to lint errors. The exceptions are global class and interface definitions, where the pragmas are added automatically by SE24/SE80.