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File Naming and Formats

abapGitAbout 2 minserializers

All files for an object are located in the same folder, each folder corresponds to a package. Sub-packages are organized under parent packages (directories) according to the logic described in the Repository Settings.


In general, the names of files containing the object definitions are derived from the TADIR entry i.e. object type and object name. Filenames are lower case and adhere to the following patterns:

  • <object_name>.<object_type>.<extension>: Object metadata. Supported extensions: xml or json
  • <object_name>.<object_type>.<extra>.<extension>: Additional object data. Typical extensions: abap, html, js, etc.
  • <object_name>.<object_type>.i18n.<language>.<extension>: Language-specific translation files: Supported extensions: po or properties

Codepage, EOL, EOF, Indentation

Metadata, ABAP coding, and translation files are stored in UFT-8 with leading Byte-order-mark (xEF BB BF)open in new window, linefeed (x0A) as end-of-line character and a final newline character. Indentation is set to 2 and uses spaces, not tabs. See .editorconfigopen in new window for details.


Classic abapGit Format

Each object is represented by at least one XML file, which contains the object metadata. Depending on the object type, other files may be added like a file with abap extension for source code.

The XML file contains a root <abapGit> tag which specifies the serializer class and version used by abapGit to convert the object to files and vice versa (see example below).

Translations are either included in the XML file or stored in a separate i18n.<language>.po file.


Here's an example for an ABAP OO Class, object type CLAS (See also test repoopen in new window).

The following files correspond to the editable parts in source-based class builder or ABAP in Eclipse:

  • zcl_example.clas.abap
  • zcl_example.clas.locals_def.abap
  • zcl_example.clas.locals_imp.abap
  • zcl_example.clas.testclasses.abap
  • zcl_example.clas.macros.abap

Files do not exist if empty, i.e. the developer did not choose to implement them.

One XML file zcl_example.clas.xml containing:

*<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<abapGit version="v1.0.0" serializer="LCL_OBJECT_CLAS" serializer_version="v1.0.0">
 <asx:abap xmlns:asx="" version="1.0">
    <DESCRIPT>abapGit - Factory</DESCRIPT>


Example XML data:

  • VSEOCLASS information
  • TPOOL information
  • SOTR information
  • LINES from DOKU
  • Descriptions from SEOCOMPOTX

SAP ABAP File Format

Newer object types are represented by a JSON file and follow the ABAP File Format (AFF)open in new window.

Object types supporting AFF are registered hereopen in new window.

Translations are stored in separate i18n.<language>.properties files (see AFF properties fileopen in new window).

Source Code Reference

zcl_abapgit_filename_logicopen in new window

  • file_to_object: Get object from filename and path
  • object_to_file: Get filename from object
  • detect_object_definition: Return flags to detect if filename represents an object definition i.e. has an xml or json extension
  • is_obj_definition_file: Return boolean flag, if the filename represents an object definition or not (metadata)