This page describes how to execute various abapGit tasks using your code.
These classes and methods have existed for quite some time and are stable. However, they do not provide a guaranteed API. Future changes are a possibility.
Create Online
Create a new abapGit repository for a given online project and branch and associate it with an SAP package:
DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->new_online(
iv_url = lv_url
iv_branch_name = lv_branch_name " optional
iv_package = lv_package ).
Optional parameters correspond to the input fields of "New Online" in abapGit.
Create Offline
Create a new abapGit repository for an offline project and associate it with an SAP package:
DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->new_offline(
iv_url = lv_name_of_repo "not a URL
iv_package = lv_package ).
Optional parameters correspond to the input fields of "New Offline" in abapGit.
Get a list of repository instances:
" All repositories
DATA(lt_repos) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list( ).
" Only offline repositories
lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list( iv_offline = abap_true ).
" Only online repositories
lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list( iv_offline = abap_false ).
" Only your favorite repositories (you can also use iv_offline as above)
lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list_favorites( ).
Get a structured list of all repositories with properties and local settings:
DATA(lt_list) = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->list( ).
Get an instance of a repository:
DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ).
Cast to online or offline repository:
DATA lo_repo_online TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online.
lo_repo_online ?= lo_repo.
DATA lo_repo_offline TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_offline.
lo_repo_offline ?= lo_repo.
Get a structure containing all properties and local settings of a repository:
DATA(ls_repo) = NEW zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->read( iv_key ).
Find the repository for a given SAP package:
zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get_repo_from_package(
iv_package = '$ABAPGIT'
eo_repo = DATA(lo_repo) ).
Remove an abapGit repository (the objects in SAP packages remain untouched):
zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->delete( lo_repo ).
Delete all objects that are part of an abapGit repository (i.e. full uninstall):
ls_checks = lo_repo->delete_checks( ).
IF ls_checks-transport-required = abap_true.
ls_checks-transport-transport = 'SIDK900000'. "transport request
zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->purge(
io_repo = lo_repo
is_check = ls_check ).
Get the status of all files included in a repository:
DATA(lt_result) = zcl_abapgit_repo_status=>calculate( lo_repo ).
Online Repository
The following tasks are supported for online repositories only (lo_repo type ref to zcl_abapgit_repo_online
Note: Certain tasks will require authentication (user/password or token). In such cases, you will have to provide the login details upfront (see #1331 for details), authentication can also be set via user exit or configured in SM59,
iv_uri = lo_repo->get_url( )
iv_username = lv_username
iv_password = lv_password ).
Or you can include the abapGit password dialog into your custom programs with this code
TABLES: sscrfields.
INCLUDE zabapgit_password_dialog.
lcl_password_dialog=>on_screen_init( ).
IF sy-dynnr = lcl_password_dialog=>c_dynnr.
lcl_password_dialog=>on_screen_output( ).
IF sy-dynnr = lcl_password_dialog=>c_dynnr.
lcl_password_dialog=>on_screen_event( sscrfields-ucomm ).
List Branches
Get a list of all branches (including main
lo_branches = zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>branches( lo_repo->get_url( ) ).
lt_list = lo_branches->get_branches_only( ).
Switch Branch
Switch the abapGit repository to a different branch:
lo_repo->set_branch_name( lv_name ).
Create Branch
Create a new branch in an online repository, note that IV_FROM can also be set, if not the branch will be created from the currently checked-out commit of the repo,
lo_repo->create_branch( lv_name ).
Delete Branch
Delete a branch of an online repository:
lo_branches = zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>branches( lo_repo->get_url( ) ).
ls_branch = lo_branches->find_by_name( lv_name ).
iv_url = lo_repo->get_url( )
is_branch = ls_branch ).
Push Changes
Push changes to an online repository:
CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log.
CREATE OBJECT li_background TYPE zcl_abapgit_background_push_au. " or push_fi
io_repo = lo_repo
ii_log = li_log
it_settings = lt_settings ).
Alternative 1: implement your logic using interface zif_abapgit_background
(see Background Package for details).
Alternative 2: Use the following code to add files to staging and push them to the repository.
METHOD stage_and_push.
DATA: lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online,
ls_comment TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_comment,
lo_stage TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_stage.
lo_repo ?= zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ).
DATA(ls_files) = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_stage_logic( )->get( lo_repo ).
LOOP AT ls_files-local ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_local>).
iv_path = <ls_local>-file-path
iv_filename = <ls_local>-file-filename
iv_data = <ls_local>-file-data ).
DATA(lo_user) = zcl_abapgit_user_record=>get_instance( sy-uname ).
ls_comment-committer-name = lo_user->get_name( ).
ls_comment-committer-email = lo_user->get_email( ).
ls_comment-comment = 'My Commit'.
lo_repo->push( is_comment = ls_comment
io_stage = lo_stage ).
Pull Changes
Pull changes from an online repository:
CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log.
CREATE OBJECT li_background TYPE zcl_abapgit_background_pull.
io_repo = lo_repo
ii_log = li_log
it_settings = lt_settings ).
Alternative 1: implement your logic using interface zif_abapgit_background
(see Background Package for details).
Alternative 2: Use the following code to trigger the pull.
METHOD pull.
DATA: lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online,
li_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log,
ls_checks TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialize_checks.
CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log.
lo_repo ?= zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ).
ls_checks = lo_repo->deserialize_checks( ).
* the code must decide what to do with warnings, see example below
ls_checks = decisions( ls_checks ).
is_checks = ls_checks
ii_log = li_log ).
METHOD decisions.
* this part can be handled by presenting the warings to the user in UI, or set via logic in code
* this is an example, adjust to fit your business requirements
rs_checks = is_checks.
LOOP AT rs_checks-overwrite ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_overwrite>).
* Object has been modified locally
* decision field must be filled with Y or N. Y overwrites the object
<ls_overwrite>-decision = 'Y'.
LOOP AT rs_checks-warning_package ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_warning_package>).
* Y or N if object from unexpected package should be overwritten
<ls_warning_package>-decision = 'Y'.
IF rs_checks-requirements-met = 'N'.
* code must decide if deserialization should continue or not
rs_checks-requirements-decision = 'Y'.
IF rs_checks-transport-required = abap_true.
rs_checks-transport-transport = 'SIDK900000'. "transport request
Offline Repository
The following tasks are supported for offline repositories only (lo_repo type ref to zcl_abapgit_repo_offline
Import ZIP
Upload a ZIP file from frontend to an offline repository:
lv_xstr = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->file_upload( lv_file_with_path ).
lo_repo->set_files_remote( zcl_abapgit_zip=>load( lv_xstr ) ).
zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>refresh( lv_key ).
Export ZIP
Download a ZIP file of an offline repository to frontend:
lv_xstr = zcl_abapgit_zip=>export( lo_repo ).
zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->file_download(
iv_path = lv_file_with_path
iv_xstr = lv_xstr ).
Progress Indicator
The default progress indicator shows progress in SAP GUI, however, it is possible to inject a custom progress indicator via ZCL_ABAPGIT_PROGRESS=>SET_INSTANCE
which can catch the status in non-SAP GUI scenarios.