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abapGitAbout 4 minapi

This page describes how to execute various abapGit tasks using your code.


These classes and methods have existed for quite some time and are stable.
However, they do not provide a guaranteed API. Future changes are a possibility.


Create Online

Create a new abapGit repository for a given online project and branch and associate it with an SAP package:

DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->new_online(
  iv_url         = lv_url
  iv_branch_name = lv_branch_name " optional
  iv_package     = lv_package ).

Optional parameters correspond to the input fields of "New Online" in abapGit.

Create Offline

Create a new abapGit repository for an offline project and associate it with an SAP package:

DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->new_offline(
  iv_url     = lv_name_of_repo   "not a URL
  iv_package = lv_package ).

Optional parameters correspond to the input fields of "New Offline" in abapGit.


Get a list of repository instances:

" All repositories
DATA(lt_repos) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list( ).

" Only offline repositories
lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list( iv_offline = abap_true ).

" Only online repositories
lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list( iv_offline = abap_false ).

" Only your favorite repositories (you can also use iv_offline as above)
lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->list_favorites( ).

Get a structured list of all repositories with properties and local settings:

DATA(lt_list) = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->list( ).


Get an instance of a repository:

DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ).

Cast to online or offline repository:

DATA lo_repo_online TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online.
lo_repo_online ?= lo_repo.

DATA lo_repo_offline TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_offline.
lo_repo_offline ?= lo_repo.

Get a structure containing all properties and local settings of a repository:

DATA(ls_repo) = NEW zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->read( iv_key ).


Find the repository for a given SAP package:

zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get_repo_from_package(
    iv_package = '$ABAPGIT'
    eo_repo    = DATA(lo_repo) ).


Remove an abapGit repository (the objects in SAP packages remain untouched):

zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->delete( lo_repo ).


Delete all objects that are part of an abapGit repository (i.e. full uninstall):

ls_checks = lo_repo->delete_checks( ).
IF ls_checks-transport-required = abap_true.
  ls_checks-transport-transport = 'SIDK900000'. "transport request

zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->purge(
  io_repo  = lo_repo
  is_check = ls_check ).


Get the status of all files included in a repository:

DATA(lt_result) = zcl_abapgit_repo_status=>calculate( lo_repo ).

Online Repository

The following tasks are supported for online repositories only (lo_repo type ref to zcl_abapgit_repo_online).

Note: Certain tasks will require authentication (user/password or token). In such cases, you will have to provide the login details upfront (see #1331open in new window for details), authentication can also be set via user exit or configured in SM59,

  iv_uri      = lo_repo->get_url( )
  iv_username = lv_username
  iv_password = lv_password ).

Or you can include the abapGit password dialog into your custom programs with this code

TABLES: sscrfields.

INCLUDE zabapgit_password_dialog.

  lcl_password_dialog=>on_screen_init( ).

  IF sy-dynnr = lcl_password_dialog=>c_dynnr.
    lcl_password_dialog=>on_screen_output( ).

  IF sy-dynnr = lcl_password_dialog=>c_dynnr.
    lcl_password_dialog=>on_screen_event( sscrfields-ucomm ).

List Branches

Get a list of all branches (including main branch):

lo_branches = zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>branches( lo_repo->get_url( ) ).
lt_list = lo_branches->get_branches_only( ).

Switch Branch

Switch the abapGit repository to a different branch:

lo_repo->set_branch_name( lv_name ).

Create Branch

Create a new branch in an online repository, note that IV_FROM can also be set, if not the branch will be created from the currently checked-out commit of the repo,

lo_repo->create_branch( lv_name ).

Delete Branch

Delete a branch of an online repository:

lo_branches = zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>branches( lo_repo->get_url( ) ).
ls_branch = lo_branches->find_by_name( lv_name ).

  iv_url    = lo_repo->get_url( )
  is_branch = ls_branch ).

Push Changes

Push changes to an online repository:

CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log.
CREATE OBJECT li_background TYPE zcl_abapgit_background_push_au. " or push_fi

  io_repo     = lo_repo
  ii_log      = li_log
  it_settings = lt_settings ).

Alternative 1: implement your logic using interface zif_abapgit_background (see
Background Packageopen in new window for details).

Alternative 2: Use the following code to add files to staging and push them to the repository.

METHOD stage_and_push.

  DATA: lo_repo  TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online,
        ls_comment TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_comment,
        lo_stage TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_stage.

  lo_repo ?= zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ).

  CREATE OBJECT lo_stage.
  DATA(ls_files) = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_stage_logic( )->get( lo_repo ).

  LOOP AT ls_files-local ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_local>).
      iv_path     = <ls_local>-file-path
      iv_filename = <ls_local>-file-filename
      iv_data     = <ls_local>-file-data ).

  DATA(lo_user) = zcl_abapgit_user_record=>get_instance( sy-uname ).

  ls_comment-committer-name  = lo_user->get_name( ).
  ls_comment-committer-email = lo_user->get_email( ).
  ls_comment-comment         = 'My Commit'.
  lo_repo->push( is_comment = ls_comment
                 io_stage   = lo_stage ).

Pull Changes

Pull changes from an online repository:

CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log.
CREATE OBJECT li_background TYPE zcl_abapgit_background_pull.

  io_repo     = lo_repo
  ii_log      = li_log
  it_settings = lt_settings ).

Alternative 1: implement your logic using interface zif_abapgit_background (see
Background Packageopen in new window for details).

Alternative 2: Use the following code to trigger the pull.

METHOD pull.

  DATA: lo_repo   TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online,
        li_log    TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log,
        ls_checks TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialize_checks.

  CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log.

  lo_repo ?= zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ).

  ls_checks = lo_repo->deserialize_checks( ).

* the code must decide what to do with warnings, see example below
  ls_checks = decisions( ls_checks ).

    is_checks = ls_checks
    ii_log    = li_log ).


METHOD decisions.

* this part can be handled by presenting the warings to the user in UI, or set via logic in code
* this is an example, adjust to fit your business requirements

  rs_checks = is_checks.

  LOOP AT rs_checks-overwrite ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_overwrite>).
* Object has been modified locally
* decision field must be filled with Y or N. Y overwrites the object
    <ls_overwrite>-decision = 'Y'.

  LOOP AT rs_checks-warning_package ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_warning_package>).
* Y or N if object from unexpected package should be overwritten
    <ls_warning_package>-decision = 'Y'.

  IF rs_checks-requirements-met = 'N'.
* code must decide if deserialization should continue or not
    rs_checks-requirements-decision = 'Y'.

  IF rs_checks-transport-required = abap_true.
    rs_checks-transport-transport = 'SIDK900000'. "transport request


Offline Repository

The following tasks are supported for offline repositories only (lo_repo type ref to zcl_abapgit_repo_offline).

Import ZIP

Upload a ZIP file from frontend to an offline repository:

lv_xstr = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->file_upload( lv_file_with_path ).

lo_repo->set_files_remote( zcl_abapgit_zip=>load( lv_xstr ) ).
zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>refresh( lv_key ).

Export ZIP

Download a ZIP file of an offline repository to frontend:

lv_xstr = zcl_abapgit_zip=>export( lo_repo ).

zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->file_download(
  iv_path = lv_file_with_path
  iv_xstr = lv_xstr ).

Progress Indicator

The default progress indicator shows progress in SAP GUI, however, it is possible to inject a custom progress indicator via ZCL_ABAPGIT_PROGRESS=>SET_INSTANCE which can catch the status in non-SAP GUI scenarios.